Our Products
The Company is currently structured into two strategic business divisions which are the cost centers. A third division will start operation in 2013.
Table Size
Smoked Fish
Chicken Eggs
Spent Layers
Strategic Business Divisions
Fish Division
Poultry Division
Crops and Vegetables Division (2013) |
Fish Division
3LW Farms is a major player in catfish farming business. We have an intensive catfish farming operation which offers products to the market all year round.
There are basically four programs performed in this division, namely;
- Spawning/Hatching programme
- Grow-out of catfish to table size
- Sale of fingerlings/juveniles and table size catfish
- Smoking and packaging for retail and wholesale delivery
Our catfish are raised by professionals under hygienic conditions. The health of our fish is closely monitored by our vet doctors. They are fed with most nutritious feeds and kept in a most hygienic environment all
the time.
Poultry Division
This is further divided into two units, which are:
- Rearing Unit - This is concerned primarily with brooding and growing of day-old-chicks to point-of-lay pullets both for the Farm's laying section and for sale.
- Laying Unit - This is concerned with production of high quality, low cholesterol table eggs with firm and dense albumen, raised golden yellow yolk, indicating high inclusion of carotenoids which improves eye
sight, with longer shelf life due to high shell quality. They are laid by birds fed with most nutritious feeds and kept in a most hygienic environment.